
Bitdefender 比特防毒

Download free Bitdefender Free Edition On-Demand Scanner from Bitdefender. Bitdefender is the top proactive antivirus protection.

Beta Program Involvement

Beta Program Involvement. Bitdefender is committed to delivering innovative, effective security solutions to our customers and Partners.

BitDefender Announces Beta Release of Security Protection for ...

Beta version of BitDefender 10 Internet Security upgrade now available. Beta versions of BitDefender's stand-alone anti-virus product lines will also be made ...

Beta Testers Invited to Tackle the New Bitdefender

Bitdefender is now inviting techies, bloggers and other elite beta testers around the globe to experience the New Bitdefender by visiting beta.

BitDefender Releases Antirootkit Beta

BitDefender has announced the release of BitDefender Rootkit Removal Tool Beta - a software tool which is designed to detect and remove rootkits hiding on ...

The 7th generation of BitDefender Standard Edition enters the public ...

BitDefender, an award-winning provider of security software and services, announces the beta version release of its new generation of antivirus solutions ...

BitDefender Mobile Antivirus v2 Beta released

The new software is in open beta and offers on-access protection against malware doubled by on-demand scanning and can be updated either via GPRS from the ...

How to Install Your Bitdefender Security Solution on Windows

This article guides you on how to download and install Bitdefender on Windows computers. You can also watch the step-by-step tutorial presented in the video ...

Beta versions of BitDefender's stand-alone anti-virus

Beta versions of BitDefender's stand-alone anti-virus product lines will also be made available shortly, and. Vista-compatible versions of BitDefender ...


DownloadfreeBitdefenderFreeEditionOn-DemandScannerfromBitdefender.Bitdefenderisthetopproactiveantivirusprotection.,BetaProgramInvolvement.Bitdefenderiscommittedtodeliveringinnovative,effectivesecuritysolutionstoourcustomersandPartners.,BetaversionofBitDefender10InternetSecurityupgradenowavailable.BetaversionsofBitDefender'sstand-aloneanti-virusproductlineswillalsobemade ...,Bitdefenderisnowinv...